Discover your personalized path to

More cash, a bigger nest egg, and less money stress!

By Alexandra Kay

Woman’s World Magazine, September 23, 2003
Reproduced with the kind permission of A. Kay & Women’s World Magazine


Psychologist Jonathan Rich, author of The Couple’s Guide to Love & Money, was administering personality tests to people who came to him for family and career counseling when he noticed something: virtually all them fell into one of six distinct money types.  And knowing the smartest moves for your money personality can put hundreds, even thousands in your pocket, says personal finance coach Deborah McNaughton, who’s helped thousands save more money.  So read on to find your type--and the personalized formula that’ll get you as much as $16,415!

                            [Find your money personality in the chart below and click on it]

  • Do you spend hours comparing prices and thinking about any purchase over $50?
  • Do you pay off the balance on your credit card every month?

You're a Spartan!

  • Do you often treat  yourself to special luxuries, like expensive coffee and manicures?
  • Do you opt for the upgraded version -- even if you don't need all the extras?

You're a Monarch!


  • Do you keep all your savings in an FDIC-insured bank account?
  • Have you had the same bank and credit card company for the past 10 years or more?

You're a Banker!

  • Would you consider investing retirement money almost entirely in stocks?
  • Does a trip to Las Vegas sound like a dream vacation?

You're a Gambler!

  • Has it been years since you looked at a bank account or mutual fund statement?
  • Do you let someone else worry about paying bills and investing money?

You're a Homesteader!

  • Do you make money decisions without consulting your partner?
  • Do you insist on handling the checkbook and paying the bills?

You're a Pioneer!




Your Money Strength: Spartans are frugal and tend to take on only smart debt, like mortgages.

Your Money Weakness: You have a tendency to scrimp on things it pays to spend more on. For example, you’ll buy the cheaper appliance or older used car, even though a more expensive model may last longer.

Your Best Money Move: “If you plan to keep an item for five years or more--like a washing machine, a mattress, or even a car—go for quality and not just price.

Make it and save: $4,020 if you buy the average three-year-old car, which will likely last twice as long as a six-year-old car with more miles and more wear and tear, say pros.

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Your Money Strength: You know the importance of taking care of yourself, and make a great impression during important events like job interviews.  When shopping, you almost always choose quality items that stand the test of time.  

Your Money Weakness: You have a tendency to overspend, and your craving for luxury can lead to debt.

Your Best Money Move: Cut back just a little on the frequency you indulge--like having two coffees instead of five, or cutting your weekly manicures back to twice a month, says McNaughton.

Make it and save: $648 in a year if you spend $2 on each coffee and $15 on each manicure!

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Your Money Strength: You’re willing to take risks for a better future.

Your Money Weakness: You often make financial decisions without thinking them through carefully, which means the risks you take aren’t as calculated as they could be.  The result?  You sometimes lose more money than you should.

Your Best Money Move: It’s your nature to choose equity and stock funds, but consider stashing some of your cash in a guaranteed moneymaker like savings bonds.

Make it and save: $16,415 in 20 years if you invest $50 a month in a Series I saving bond that earns 3%; they’re available through your bank.

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Your Money Strength: You’re conservative and careful with your cash.

Your Money Weakness: You stay so far away from any risk at all that you miss out on money-making opportunities.

Your Best Money Move: Shift some money into a balanced mutual fund, available from most investment companies.  It combines stocks and bonds, so you should get an earnings boost without great risk.

What you can save: $5,981 in 20 years if $5,000 in savings earns 5% instead of 2%.

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Your Money Strength: You’re an expert at handling household money matters like school or grocery shopping, and tend to be an excellent bargain hunter.

Your Money Weakness: You aren’t aware of your big financial picture, which is never a good idea. And your money confidence is low--you doubt if you can understand all those numbers, which means you don’t have any control over your investments or savings.

Your Best Money Move: Start a small fund of your own to save for a future goal—and see that you can make money grow!

Make it and save: $1,040 if you put away just $20 a week for a year.

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Your Money Strength: You’re financially independent and responsible.  You usually know what the experts are recommending when it comes to investing your money, and you tend to make smart choices for saving.

Your Money Weakness: Pioneers may have difficulty sharing financial control.  Your partner may have different ideas about spending and saving, but you insist on having things your way.

Your Best Money Move: Take a small step by handing over just one money chore -- like balancing the checkbook -- to your partner.  “This will help your spouse become involved in financial matters,” says Rich.

What you can save: You’ll have a happier marriage!  Studies show couples who talk openly about finances have fewer money arguments.

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